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Becoming a Networker

See our current list of needlepoint networkers at the bottom of this page and details of the classes they run here.

Becoming a Networker: If you enjoy needlepoint and are looking for a new challenge, that allows you to run your own little business for fun and profit, and organise it around the rest of your busy life, the Needlework Network could well be what you are looking for. You can do it with a friend as well.

The Needlepoint Network is managed by Carolyn Dowie of “All Stitched Up: who started as a networker herself. There is a registration fee payable on joining that covers the cost of the essential materials supplied to you.

Networkers qualify for substantial discounts on all needlepoint kits and accessories they purchase, whether for resale or for personal use. Networkers retain all fees for classes that they run in their area, and profit from their sales of kits and accessories.

Networkers' contact details and their courses are featured on this website. Each year there is a Needlepoint Network Workshop to introduce new designs and discuss how to develop the Network. In addition Carolyn Dowie visits each Networker annually and provides ongoing advice and support.

On joining new Networkers receive:

  • A manual covering basic techniques, financial advice, setting up classes and publicity.
  • Colour swatches for Appleton's crewel wools, DMC stranded and pearl cotton.
  • A list of Needlepoint contacts in your designated area.
  • The Design Catalogue, including photographs of designs.

You don’t have to be an expert to become a networker, as with the assistance available you will soon learn the finer points. It is more important that you are self-motivated and enthusiastic, and that you enjoy meeting people and helping make something beautiful.

If you would like to discuss becoming a Needlepoint Networker, please contact Carolyn Dowie email: or phone: 0794 170 9966.

Jane Allen

Surrey, UK

01798 342952

Carolyn Dowie

Hexham, UK

0794 170 9966

Belinda Mitchell
Northington (near Winchester), Hampshire, UK

01962 734 935

Sareth Nainby-Luxmoore

North Yorkshire and Co. Durham

07919 068997

Anna Pearson

London, UK

020 7419 9941

Sara Stonor

East Sussex, UK

01580 880569

Suki Lussos

Forest City, PA 18421-1307, USA

570 3929 601 (or 00 1 570 3929 601 from UK)